

Mushel Kayiru - the 12-year calendar of the animal cycle
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002040
    Country Kazakhstan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    Year of Designation 2013
Description Kazakhs since ancient times to the beginning of the twentieth century used the ancient folk calendar. Traditional Kazakh annual calendar consists of twelve year animal cycle, called 'mushel' ("mushel"). It was this: 'tyshqan zhyly' (year of a mouse); 'siyr zhyly' (year of a cow); 'barys zhyly' (year of snow leopard); 'qoyan zhyly' (year of a hare); 'ulu zhyly' (year of a dragon); 'zhylan zhyly' (year of a snake); 'hylqy zhyly' (year of a horse); 'qoi zhyly' (year of a sheep); 'meshin zhyly' (year of a monkey); 'Tauyq zhyly' (year of a hen); 'eit zhyly' (year of a dog); 'dongyz zhyly' (year of a pig). The choice of these animals was mainly linked to them due to its sacral meaning.
Social and cultural significance Kazakh traditional yearly calendar consists of 12 animal cycles named 'mushel'. A person’s life is perceived as a chain of events where the 12 years cycle 'mushel' defines the following age stages: 1st 'mushel' is childhood (1-12 years), 2nd is youth (13-24), 3rd and 4th are adulthood (25-36 and 37-48 years), and 5th is old age (49-63 yers). The life of any person was counted in 12-year cycles and was accompanied with transitions. Each 'mushel' symbolizes an end to the previous stable period of life and a transition into the new one. It is perceived as a dangerous moment in life, when the person is most susceptible to illness and various troubles. A transition often meant a decline in health, the prevalence of psychological and intimate problems in a life of a Kazakh. In the year of transition from one stage to another person advised to be especially careful and considerate to oneself. At the age of 'mushel' Kazakhs donate their favorite clothes to their relatives or other people, wishing them a smooth and peaceful transition to the next stage of their aging. The fifth 'mushel' reflects the Muslim concept of “righteousness” according to the example of Prophet Muhammad, who was sainted during his lifetime and lived 63 years.
Transmission method
Community Despite the fact that in today's world it is accepted to use the conventional chronology, in the traditional environment of the Kazakhs retained observance of customs and rituals associated with the perception of a twelve-year cycle. They can be seen both in the rural and urban environment
Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage