

Traditional knowledge and skills in making Kazakh Yurts
  • Manage No PI00002450
    Country Kazakhstan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description The yurt is a nomadic dwelling used among the Kazakh and Kyrgyz peoples. It has a wooden circular frame covered with felt and braided with ropes, and can be easily assembled and dismantled within a short period of time. The bearers of yurt-making knowledge are craftspeople, both men and women, who produce yurts and their interior decorations. Yurts are made from natural and renewable raw materials. Men and their apprentices make the wooden frames by hand, along with wooden, leather, bone and metal details. Women make the interior decorations and exterior coverings, ornamented with traditional zoomorphic, vegetative or geometric patterns.
Place Previously, the skills on making of Kazakh Yurts were disseminated country-wide. For now it is presented by very limited number of families at Southeastern Kazakhstan and Mangystau province. File Size 68.8 KB
Definition 640 x 480 File Format jpg
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Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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