

Stone processing
  • Manage No PI00003148
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description Impressive buildings, great masterpieces were created by processing natural stones. In the territory of Uzbekistan, the secrets of the art of processing natural stones were known since ancient times. In particular, the people who lived near the marble mines learnt processing this type of stone. Gazgon village of Nurota region is famous for its sangtaroshs (stone processors). Among residents of this place, the art of sangtaroshlik (stone processing) has been passed from ancestors to generations.The objects made by masters processing marble can be divided into three types:n1. Household objectsn2. Tombstonesn3. Pillars and decorations for buildings
Place File Size 11501 KB
Definition 4380 x 5840 File Format jpg
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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