

Saman Dance: A Thousand-Hand Dance
Description Saman is a traditional dance of the Gayo people, which can be traced back to the fourteenth century. The dance is performed in a religious space called mersah with an odd number of male dancers sitting in neat lines who dance to verses and fall into a trance-like state as the tempo quickens. This dance, which incorporates thousands of hands, shows the Gayo tribe's sense of solidarity and ancestral wisdom toward life. Saman has maintained its value as a source of vitality for the community in accepting innovation and change with flexibility, while simultaneously preserving the identify of the Gayo.
Manage No VI00000130 Running Time 00:26:20
Country Indonesia
Videos Photographer Kurnia Yudha F. Year 2019
Place File Size 5,943
Definition File Format mp4
Copyright ICHCAP, STUPPA Indonesia -

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