ICH Materials 37
CHILDBIRTH IN INDIA AND THE ASSOCIATED FOOD AND SONG CULTUREThe birth of a child is considered auspicious and sacred in every culture. India, being multicultural in its beliefs and customs, has diverse traditions of local cuisines at all occasions, be it childbirth, or even death. Although the recipes have grown in number as a result of shared practices in modern times, traditional food items and their variants are still popular and can be found in almost all mandatory rituals.Year2019NationSouth Korea
Crafting a Post Covid-19 World: Building Greater Resilience in the Crafts Sector through Strengthening Ties with its Community’s Cultural SystemFor revitalize local crafts after COVID 19 pandemic, Joseph Lo proposes that in order to build greater resilience for the crafts sector to mitigate against future crisis, it is imperative to strengthen the linkages of craft products not only with other sectors but within the cultural system which it was initially made for. Focusing on the two case-studies - one in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, Joseph Lo suggested a new approach to prevent negative consequences of future global crisis.Year2020NationSouth Korea
Indigenous Knowledge, Food Diversity and Nutrition Sufficiency: A Case Study of Tharu Indigenous Knowledge of NepalNepal is a multiethnic, multilingual, and multicultural country with rich cultural heritage located between India and China. The 2011 census recognized 125 caste and ethnic groups and 123 different languages. The new constitution of the Nepali federal republic has further recognized all the spoken languages as national languages. The National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN) recognized fifty-nine indigenous nationalities residing in Nepal in 2002 (NFDIN 2011). However, in the 2011 census only forty-seven indigenous nationalities were reported (CBS 2012). Among them, Tharu is the second-largest indigenous group with a population of 1.7 million residing in various districts of southern Nepal (CBS 2012).Year2020NationNepal