ICH Elements 4
BOGHBON, Dukhtari boghbon
«Boghbon» (“Gardener”) is man dance and woman variant of this dance is named “Dukhtari boghbon” (“Gardener’s daughter”). This dance imitates gardener or his daughter’s actions.
Tajikistan -
MEHRGON, Idi hosilot
Traditional old festival of Iranian people, which is celebrated in the autumn. Mehrgon is considered as the harvest holiday of agriculture workers, gardeners, farmers and etc.
Tajikistan -
Knowledge and skills related to gardening
Information about the gardening in Central Asia can be found in ancient Greek, Chinese and Roman sources which were written in the 1st millennium of BC. Central Asia is the motherland of many fruits. Through the centuries on the basis of the people’s selection productive sorts of such fruits as apricot, apple, pear, nut, almonds, pomegranate and grapes were created. Majority of them in terms of quality have their own unique place in the world collection. More than 20 sorts of fruits and berries are cultivated in our republic. Seeded fruit trees, pome fruit trees, subtropical plants and berries took the main place. Autumn sorts of apple, pear and grape autumn and winter sorts have economical significance. From time immemorial viticulture was developed in Tashkent and Samarkand regions and in Fergana valley. On the basis of all successes are the knowledge and skills of gardening accumulated for centuries, the secrets of which are passed on from generation to generation.
Uzbekistan -
BOGHBONI, boghdori
Gardening is a popular branch of traditional agriculture in Tajikistan. The term bāgh (garden) among Tajiks has three meanings: a home garden inside one’s own yard. a walled garden alongside the yard. and a garden far from the home and yard, where people go during summers to temporarily live and work. In these gardens, people grow fruit-bearing and shady trees as well as flowers and other crops. Tajikistan’s environment and climate make it ideal to grow various fruits, such as apples, grapes, pomegranates, peaches, quinces, figs, pears, plums, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, mulberries, walnuts, and almonds.
ICH Materials 5
Information about the gardening in Central Asia can be found in ancient Greek, Chinese and Roman sources whichnwere written in the 1st millennium of BC. Central Asia is the motherland of many fruits. Through the centuries on the basis of the people’s selection productive sorts of such fruits as apricot, apple, pear, nut, almonds, pomegranate and grapes were created. Majority of them in terms ofnquality have their own unique place in the world collection.More thab 20 sorts of fruits and berries are cultivated in our republic. Seeded fruit trees, pome fruit trees, subtropical plants and berries took the main place.nAutumn sorts of apple, rear and grape’s autumn and winter sorts have economical significance. From time immemorialnviticulture was developed in Tashkent and Samarkand regions and in Fergana valley.
Uzbekistan -
Information about the gardening in Central Asia can be found in ancient Greek, Chinese and Roman sources whichnwere written in the 1st millennium of BC. Central Asia is the motherland of many fruits. Through the centuries on the basis of the people’s selection productive sorts of such fruits as apricot, apple, pear, nut, almonds, pomegranate and grapes were created. Majority of them in terms ofnquality have their own unique place in the world collection.More thab 20 sorts of fruits and berries are cultivated in our republic. Seeded fruit trees, pome fruit trees, subtropical plants and berries took the main place.nAutumn sorts of apple, rear and grape’s autumn and winter sorts have economical significance. From time immemorialnviticulture was developed in Tashkent and Samarkand regions and in Fergana valley.