Traditional basket - VOCO from Savu village, Vugalei district, Tailevu province, Fiji
The Vugalei Chiefdom is renowned for its iconic traditional basket known as Voco. Savu village is straddles the center of the chiefdom. Tributes of fish pass through Naimasimasi Village on its way to the village of Sote, Natuva and Nameka resting at Savu village along the way. Savu village provides the Voco basket before it is carried to Sote Village. The exchange from Sote Vilage is pork, which passes through Savu and carried to Naimasimasi Village. This is an age old expression of the warrior-chief relationship from these villages to the Ratu of Verata chief. The basket is woven from a kind of climbing pandanus known as wa me. \n
#traditional basket
#savu village