

Cultural space of Boysun District marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001128
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    Baysun District of the Surkhandarya Region
    Year of Designation 2011
Description Cultural space of Baysun was recognized by UNESCO as the “Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity” among the first 19 in 2001. Consequently, in 2008, it was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the Humanity of UNESCO. Inclusion the space to the List enhanced the opportunity of preservation, documentation and conduct scientific researches of artistic traditions and culture of Baysun district. It is a world bringing together settled and nomadic traditions, Turkic and eastern Iranian peoples. The traditional culture of Baysun, besides Islam, has its roots in ancient cults and faiths. In its folklore one can see traditions with elements of Zoroastrianism and Buddhism, animism and ancestors worship. Grazing patterns have not changed in a thousand years. Livestock are still the main measure of wealth, and gardening is a male tradition. Hand spinning wheels, graters, tandirs, water mills, and blacksmiths using bellows all still exist. National clothes are made, such as doppi and chapans and head scarves for men and women, using craft traditions and local ornamental decorations dating from the tenth and eleventh centuries. Old customs and rituals govern life from birth to death. There is much historical heritage and native wisdom in them.
Social and cultural significance The cultural space of Boysun is a result of human's creative spirit, which has evolved and transformed over history. Its traditional art and folklore, while developing for centuries on the basis of indigenous traditions, witnessed various impacts, which were results of peculiar way of historical development. Tangible and intangible culture of Boysun is represented by various elements of art and culture, which are typical for the people of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, and to some extent, of India. Suitable geographic location of the region allowed preserving many traditions associated with folk culture. And these manifest themselves in folk music and oral poetic creativity; in originality of epics, folk crafts and national dresses; in sustainable existence of the most ancient rituals; in folk games. In addition, manifestation of these traditions is a result of peculiar economic and cultural environment under which many ethnic groups live. Artistic and folk crafts also occupy an important place in the traditional culture of Boysun. The preservation and promotion of all this identity has been particularly important recently. This is evidenced in particular by the fact that the "Boisun Bahori" festival, a festival of unique cultures, has recently been restored and began to be held! In our time of globalization, unique rites and traditions are sometimes lost, and only in places remote from large cities can you see a special culture. The purpose of the festival is to collect and show the legacy of the past, which is carefully preserved not only in Baisun, but also in other regions of Uzbekistan, and in other countries.
Transmission method Since diverse elements are gathered in Cultural Space of Baysun there are different ways of transmission of the heritage. Mainly they are transmitted from generation to generation by organizing festivals. Furthermore, there are new and modern ways of transmission such as radio and TV programmes, Internet (including social networks e.g. Facebook and Twitter), newspapers, artistic performances, and sending postcards; the modern means of transmission, take this tradition beyond its territory.
Community Baysun district (Surkhandarya Region of Uzbekistan, on the Gissar ridge)
Type of UNESCO List Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Incribed year in UNESCO List 2008
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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