

Practices of traditional folk calendar and time accounting
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001087
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    All over the country
Description The traditional folk calendar is a kind of encyclopedia of life with its holidays and weekdays. The broader definition of the calendar is related to the collection of diverse knowledge about nature, society and man and the traditional use of this knowledge. Proceeding from this definition, perhaps to designate also the concepts "calendar ceremonialism", "calendar ceremony" as which it is necessary to understand the ceremonies which are executed periodically in certain time of an annual cycle.
Social and cultural significance Calendar rites are characterized by confinement to natural and changes, cycles of economic work, religious and state dates. The neighbor community - the mahalla - always takes a lively part in all the main events of the Uzbek family. With a vast thousand years of experience in doing events, the Uzbek mahalla is still the center of family and religious rites. The community is the guardian of the culture and traditions of the Uzbek people. But mahalla also successfully performs educational functions. Under the direct supervision of the entire community, generation after generation grows. Children raised in the mahalla are raised in a spirit of respect for the elders. In any mahalla there is a beautiful ancient tradition of mutual assistance - khashar. As they say, the whole world residents of mahalli voluntarily and unselfishly help each other if necessary. As a rule, no one refuses when everyone is notified of the hashar. People prepare for this event together, also work together and together, managing to perform a large amount of necessary work in one calendar day. Usually this is all regulated by the traditional folk calendar of events.
Transmission method The transfer of knowledge and skills occurs within the family, locality, various professional and social groups. Research work is also carried out in the relevant institutions.
Community Families, mahalla, culture centers, schools, other educational institutions
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity