Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright Manage No EE00002045 Country Kazakhstan ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe Traditional craft skills Year of Designation 2013
Description | Kazakh woven carpets fall into three general categories: pile carpets (tuktyi), flat-woven carpets (takhyr), functional and decorative tent bands for yurts (baskur, bau) made in a combination-technique. Other textiles include hand woven tuskyesteh, wall carpets (tuskiyiz) with heavy hand embroidery, saddle bag (khorzhyn), hand woven tassels (shashakh) for decoration of clothes and the yurt, hand woven men’s outerwear (shekpen), mats made off needlegrass (shiy), and many other ceremonial and textile products. Traditional wall felt carpets were decorated with mosaics, velvet applique, woolen cloth (with a U-shaped border) or embroidery made with colored thread made of different materials (woolen cloth, velvet, cotton) which was then sewn on the felt base. Tuz kiiz differ in that they, apart from solar signs, featured unusually rich and colorful flora (winding stems, leaves, trefoils, lotus flowers, buds, trees, pomegranates) that were to magically foster happiness and prosperity of the family. |
Community | Modern weavers include G. Kozhamzharova (Katon-Karaghay, the Eastern Kazakhstan), B. Symova, M. Akhmetova, K. Aydarbekova, G. Begaliyeva (Shymkent, the Southern Kazakhstan), and a cooperative in Shuldeh (the Southern Kazakhstan), S. Khozhantayeva, R. Alibatyrova, K. Yikhanova, К. Bedenkulova (Kyzylorda region) and A. Sagynayeva (the Western Kazakhstan). |
Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage
Elements related to
Kiyiz basu - the tradition of making felt
'Kiyiz' is a valuable felt material used by nomads in everyday life since immemorial time. Felt is manufactured from sheep, camel or goat wool by felting. Felt is made from wool using various methods to compress the wool fibers to form a thick, durable and warm material. Felt processing and products remains as one of the most popular crafts in the decorative art of the Kazakhstan steppes and other Central Asian countries. It was the major craft in Kazakh nomadic life as well as a significant work of women. Felt in Kazakhstan used mainly for flooring as a carpet well as covering a yurt. Nowadays one can get also a Kazakh felt souvenir toy. Warm slippers, vests, scarves and much more. Kazakhs used two basic types of felt, which differ in their method of manufacture and function. Kazakhs used coarse felt to cover the yurt and the dirt floor inside. Felt often decorated ornament. There are different methods of ornamentation: applique, ornamental stitch and many others. Skilled workers typically cover the entire surface of the felt track patterns, using a contrasting color. Kiiz is a simple felt carpet made of white, brown or grey wool, used as a foundation for making other products or to cover various parts of the yurt. Syrmak is a floor carpet, made by designing on a basis (kiiz) ornamental aptterns cut out of think multicolor felt which are then adjusted to the basis and sewed with color lace along the contour of the pattern, Tekemet is the Kazakh felt carpet with inserted color pattern on the top of each other before rolling. Different tribes in Kazakhstan each have their designs. Tuzkiiz ia a wall carpet, made by sewing ornamental compositions on felt or solid color fabric like velvet or silk, and then sewing them to the felt basis.
Kazakhstan -
Tekemet-kiyiz - tradition of making felt carpet
Tekemet is the Kazakh felt carpet with inserted color pattern on the top of each other before rolling. Different tribes in Kazakhstan each have their designs. Tekemets similar to syrmak (another type of felt carpet), but has a vague and soft forms in connection with the peculiarities of production technology. Tekemets decorated by double horns ("qos muyіz") - horn curls arranged in a cruciform shape, usually within a rhombus and oval. White or grey ornaments were selected, which bursted on the brown main background of felt. In West Kazakhstan can be found "eki tekemets" (“ekі tekemet"), which are decorated on both sides. Patterned felting is one of the oldest types of Kazakh ornamentation. It is handmade from one color of felt (light or dark), combined with the natural color of camel's wool. Masters of Central Kazakhstan felt ornaments in different colors.