

Khsae Mouy
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002447
    Country Cambodia
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Description " Khsae Mouy or one string" is a kind of musical instrument that can be played solo or as part of other traditional music ensemble such as Arak and Pleng Kar orchestra like chapei Dang Veng. This string instrument is a sound box made of ripe gourd fruit (round gourd type) made of wood, about 0.80 m long, and has a string made of copper wire. A string has a beautiful sound. When playing, they meet the gourd shell to the chest and fasten the rope with copper nails worn on her left finger. A string is an old fire instrument, as can be seen in the carvings of ancient temples such as the Bayon Temple. In addition to accompanying a stringed song, you can also accompany chanting and story narration, as well as interact with a partner who is also a stringed player or with a Chapei Dang Veng player. Like the Chapei singer, the one who plays and sings Khsae Mouy used to be a venerated, learned to understand the Dharma and literature deeply and very wise. During the 1940s, one of the most famous and prominent stringed performers and singers was Phirum Pheasa Ouk Ou, also known as Ngoy, who used to perform dharma instruction to instruct the villagers with a stringed instrument and long chapei. His name became famous until the King gave him the title of "Phirumpeasa". Mr. Phirum Phasa has another well-known correspondent, Grandpa Chumtob sun. Nowadays, this string instrument has been incorporated into the curriculum of the Secondary School of Fine Arts.
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