

The Culture and Custom of the Malay Community: The Lulluby Custom
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001019
    Country Malaysia
    ICH Domain Others
    The State of Perlis and Kedah, Malaysia
Description ‘Berendoi’ (to lulluby) originates from the word ‘endoi’ of the Perlis Malay dialect meaning a hammock to put a baby or child to sleep. This custom is as the family’s thanksgiving after receiving a newborn baby. This custom too develops in Kedah especially in districts sharing the same boundaries as Perlis such as Bukit Besar, Kota Sarang Semut, Kubang Rotan and Bukit Kerengga. Berendoi has elements of the Islamic teachings with at least three or four participants chanting rythmatically during the ‘bercukur’ or shaving of a week-old baby’s hair. Among the activities in the berendoi ceremony still around today are mouth splitting, lulluby and Lulluby Above The Coconut Tree Shoot Or Make A Vow. Every performance is usually held together with a thanksgiving feast and ‘akikah’ (slaughtering of an animal usually a goat for the baby) with the goat’s meat as the main dish. Berendoi starts after the meal is served. The Berendoi group consists of a number of men adorning the Malay attire with pelikat sarung and songkok (head gear), or women in either a uniform of baju kurung or baju kebaya attire with head scarf. The Berendoi group starts their performance by chanting verses praising Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and then the group leader cradles the baby and places him in the hammock. The song usually sung first is Ya Rabbi in the Arabic and Malay languages with the lyrics full of praises of the Prophet.
Information source
The Malaysia Arts Cultural Practitioners Association (MACPA)