

Seasonal customs and rituals
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001078
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    All over the country
Description Seasonal customs and rituals circle is a kind of encyclopedia of the life of the people. Uzbekistan also has a number of seasonal rites and holidays. Uzbek seasonal celebrations should be classified as follows: 1) winter parties or circles (gap gastak); 2) spring holidays – Navruz, Shohmoylar (harnessing of bulls in soha, i.e. the beginning of plowing), Holidays of tulips and roses, Loy tutish (clay supply, i.e. the beginning of building a house), etc.; 3) from summer celebrations, the "Qovun saili" (melon festival), "Choi momo" etc; 4) autumn holidays related to harvesting - Mehrgan, "Uzum saili" (grape festival), etc.
Social and cultural significance Uzbek people have various mass events, seasonal and professional rites. These are certain cycle covering all aspects of person's social and personal life, combination of moral principles and historically established legal norms. The most important features and characteristics of these norms and principles are their stability and mass character, repeatability in their development, duration and continuity. Rites and rituals, which have become traditional, govern the moral character of the social organism and personality. They are not only influenced by the public, but also rely on the mandatory norms adopted by it and established in centuries (Adat), which have become a form of unwritten laws in the East, which are partially respected to this day. It should be emphasized that public holidays, traditions and ceremonies that have passed the test of time and are rooted in the life of Uzbeks and other peoples of Central Asia reflect all the best in man, truly folk and universal human values. In the traditions and rites of the people, their national spirit, their thinking and consciousness, characteristics of character and psychology are expressed. Traditions formed over the centuries and carefully protected, such as devotion to relatives, respect for the elders, care for parents, orphans and the elderly, hospitality, mutual support of relatives, the desire to protect the honor of the family and the dignity of women, the preservation of a bright memory of deceased relatives and loved ones, find vivid expression in folk holidays and rites of a social nature.
Transmission method The transfer of knowledge and skills occurs within the family, locality, various professional and social groups. Research work is also carried out in the relevant institutions.
Community Families, schools, hobby groups in culture centers, mahalla
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity