

Ganchkarlik (ganch-alabaster plastering and carving)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001096
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    Fergana valley, Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent and Khorezm regions
    Year of Designation 2012
Description Ganchkarlik (plastering and carving special alabaster – ganch) is one of the most ancient types of architectural-decorative arts of Uzbekistan. In the ХХ century its main centers were located in Khiva, Bukhara, Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan, Namangan and Qoqand. Ganch carving art is indivisibly connected with architectural art than other types of applied folk art. From time immemorial, it has been used for decorating palaces, madrasahs, mosques and houses. The technique of creating a pattern on ganch surface is labor-intensive one. First, on the raw surface draft picture of the future ornamental pattern is drawn. Then, relief pattern is cut along the outline, while the background is deepened and salient parts of the pattern are finished. Also, special skill requires the work on relief pattern, because the effect of perception of the whole carved panel depends on it. As a matter of fact, Uzbek masters have developed many techniques of finishing relief patterns, which make carved panels look more dynamic, their salient and deepened parts more expressive thanks to the effect of light and shade.
Social and cultural significance In general, Bukhara school of ganch carving stood out with diversity of motifs used and with elegance these motifs were presented. At the same time, ganch carving works of masters of Samarkand are much close to those of Bukhara in terms of refinement of style. However, what makes them different is the application of more sophisticated technique of creating ganch stalactites, which decorate upper corners of walls with carved panels. Tashkent school of ganch carving, in contrast, is characterized by application of ornamental patterns of larger size, by leaving much space for the background. Also, elegant are girihs (representing rich and complex knots of geometric patterns) to be found in the ganch works of Kokand and Khiva masters. At present ganch carving remains one of the leading types of folk decorative and applied arts of Uzbekistan, and its role increases in designing the architectural buildings. In addition, contemporary ganch carvers of Uzbekistan are working on decorating interiors of various buildings located in foreign countries. Many masters are members of Uzbekistan Arts Academy, “Hunarmand” association and other organizations.
Transmission method Transmission of knowledge and skills is taking place on the basis of traditional non-formal learning method Usto-Shogird (“Master-Apprentice”) and/or within formal educational programme in specialized educational establishments.
Community Uzbekistan Republican "Khunarmand" Association and its regional branches in Khiva, Bukhara, Margilan, Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan, Namangan and Qoqand
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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