

  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001102
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    All over the country
    Year of Designation 2013
Description Blacksmith business is one of the oldest folk crafts in Uzbekistan. For many centuries, the country has been one of the largest centers of craft production, including the art of metalworking. In Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Kokand, Margilan and other places there are unique workshops where knowledge is transferred from generation to generation, from master to student. Thus, ancient traditions are preserved, and the family of hereditary masters continues. At the blacksmith’s shop, the oven, qura, supa, ura, chupkunda; and instruments sandons, bosqon, hammers, bulls, eaves, mills, and others are used. Hammersmiths make various things such as hoes, mowers, tesha and other household items, doors, gratings etc.
Social and cultural significance The blacksmith's craft was and still is considered and considered respected and prestigious. The blacksmith were traditionally attributed magical and noble abilities. Since ancient times, blacksmiths have listed such highly specialized industries as blacksmithing itself, the manufacture of keys, copper casting, bronze casting, cast iron, the manufacturer of iron accessories for windows, locksmithing, the manufacturer of writing accessories, the manufacture of knives, accessories for the workshop or any machine, sickles, horns, nails, pottery, etc. Thus, in blacksmith production, several separate, independent specializations are distinguished. With such a narrow specialization, the master is focused on the production of only one type of product. These traditions are still alive today. The preservation of craft is a connecting thread between the past and the present. Today, thanks to the support of the state and the efforts of artisans, the further development of craft traditions is taking place. The most famous and skilled masters are members of the "Hunarmand" Association, the Academy of Arts and other organizations. Several government documents have been issued that contribute to the development of this art. Exhibitions of best works of masters are regularly held.
Transmission method Transmission of knowledge and skills is realized on the basis of traditional non-formal learning method Usto-Shogird (“Master-Apprentice”) and formal educational programmes in specialized educational establishments
Community Republican "Khunarmand" Association and its regional branches
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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