

Clay kiln
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001150
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    Dariganga people in Sukhbaatar province of Mongolia
Description Dariganga people have this tradition of building open top kiln using mud and clay from the place where they moved and stayed in the new pasture. When building the kiln they put the cooking-pot (togoo) on the ground and took measures for the kiln. To build the kiln, the soil should be fewer stones and soft enough to dig. Once dug up the hole, stones removed from the soil, and soil mixed from lactic acid milk derived from the Eezgii . Additionally, the wet cow dung and clay usually mixed. The mixture of the soil and the lactic acid milk should be dry, if it’s too liquid then it is impossible to build a clay kiln. The role of the hole in the kiln is to set the fire with cow dung and collect the ashes inside.
Social and cultural significance to be studied
Transmission method by apprenticeship training and participitation in the process of building a clay kiln
Community to be studied
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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