

Knucklebone shooting marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001180
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    throughout the Mongolia
Description There are over 120 different types of knucklebone games are played in Mongolia, and the “knucklebone shooting” is the most common spread one among the general public. The Knucklebone shooting is a traditional game that contains the traditional custom and culture in complex way. Shooting tablets are flicked towards 30 pieces of ''Khasaa'', a target laid on a zurkhai (wooden surface) in a given order depending on the current game, at a distance of 9 elbows (4.72meters). It is a team game that each team competes by shooting to knock down more of the khasaa than the other. During tournaments, shooters communicate not in words, but by singing ''Knucklebone Shooting'' melodies and tunes such as ''Hail you, friend',' ''Hit the target,'' ''Hail the board'' that sound more or less like ''Long Songs''.
Social and cultural significance Knuckle-bone shooting provides a favourable environment in which each member contributes to the team’s success, social well-being and development by supporting and learning from others. The tradition brings team members from different backgrounds closer together, encourages their interaction and respect towards elders and one another, and improves their social cohesion.
Transmission method by participation in the knucklebone shooting games, and apprenticeship training
Community Mongolian Association of Knucklebone Shooting. After the inscription of Mongolian Knucklebone shooting on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and as a result of the activities taken by the Knucklebone Shooting Association of Mongolia, the number of practitioners and amateur learners have increased up to 15000 (it was around 6000 individuals in 2014) and 60 percent of them are youths, up to 35 years old. Sub-associations of Knucklebone Shooting have established in number of soums (smallest administration unit) and 21 provinces, and communities have voluntarily united for making group for shooting knucklebone besides shooting by individually, and small and big toiroms, competitions have organized. Additionally, sub-associations of Knucklebone Shooting have established in People’s Republic of Korea, USA, EU countries such as France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Sweden, and United Kingdom and Australia where Mongolians are living and number of knucklebone shooting competitions have organized successfully.
Type of UNESCO List Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Incribed year in UNESCO List 2014
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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