

Mongolian traditional practices of the worshipping of sacred sites
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001263
    Country Mongolia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
    throughout the Mongolia
Description Mongolian worship ceremonies are performed at sacred sites to invoke assistance from nature deities: in the summer for timely rain and abundant pastures, and in the autumn for the protection of humans and livestock from a harsh winter. The tradition maintains a variety of forms of intangible cultural heritage, and builds a sense of community and solidarity among the people, while strengthening awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. On a set out day, all the participants gather early in the morning at the site of the worshipping. Everyone comes in their ceremonial clothes along with the offerings to the deities.
Social and cultural significance Mongolian worship ceremonies of Sacred sites are performed at sacred sites to invoke assistance from deities of nature: in the summer for timely rain and abundant pastures, and in the autumn for protection of humans and livestock from harsh winter. The tradition maintains a variety of forms of ICH, and builds sense of community and solidarity among the people, while strengthening awareness of the importance of protecting the nature and environment.
Transmission method by apprenticeship training
Community As the National Inventory have identified, there are more than 1000 sacred sites in Mongolia. Mountains worshipped by Mongolians can be identified as the following 3 types depending on who worship them. Mountains worshipped by: a. The whole Mongolian nation as State worshipped sacred mountains (Burkhan Khaldun, Bogd Khan, Otgontenger mountains etc.) b. The certain area people of specific cultural landscape c. Certain places that certain family worshipped for many generations Some mountains in Mongolia have been worshipped by some ethnic groups and communities and local people from the ancient times including Bogd-Khan mountain worshipped by Khalkha people in Tuv Province, Otgontenger (Khalkha people) in Zavkhan Province, Burkhan Khaldun (uriankhai, Khalkha, and Buriad people) in Khentii Province, Khan-Khukhii (Durvud and Khalkha people) in Uvs Province, Altan-Khukhii (Myangad ethnic community) in Khovd province, Subraga-Khairkhan (Khalkha people) in Arkhangai Province, Sutai Khairkhan (Khalkha people) in Gobi-Altai Province and Dari (Dariganga people) in Sukhbaatar Province. Currently, these mountains are officially recognized as the State worshipped mountains by the Decree of the President of Mongolia. In addition, there are other major worshipped mountains at the local level including Bulgan, Ikh-Bogd, Khognokhan, Delgerkhangai, Khanbogd, Batkhaan, Delgerkhan, Khangai Ovoo, and Ulziit Khairkhan in different areas of Mongolia. The practice is also found among the Buryat Mongols in the Russian Federation and IMAR of PRC.
Information source
National Center for Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of Mongolia

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