

Insam Jaebae and Yakyong Munhwa(Cultivation of Ginseng and Its Medicinal Application)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002277
    Country Republic of Korea
    ICH Domain Others
    Year of Designation 2020.12.01
Description [National Intangible Cultural Heritage, Republic of Korea] Ginseng has long been cultivated and used in Korea, giving birth to a rich reservoir of prepared dishes, ritual ceremonies, and folk stories. Because of its rarity and health effects, ginseng was considered an elixir plant or cure-all among the people. Ginseng still widely appears as a symbol of health and longevity in the packaging of everyday commodities. The sociocultural symbolism of ginseng as a valuable medicine and food has been deeply entrenched in the collective ethos of the Korean people. Ginseng culture was evaluated positively during the designation process for the following aspects. Ginseng has been raised and used for centuries all across Korea. Records on its cultivation and health effects have been confirmed in various historical documents from the Joseon Dynasty. Ginseng has been actively studied in traditional Korean medicine and also offers a great potential for further studies in agriculture and economics. There are abundant cultural traditions associated with ginseng in the form of food, rituals, and folktales. Historically known for its high quality, Korean ginseng was one of the country’s most important exports. A wide range of relevant communities exist, such as local ginseng associations consisting of ginseng farmers, research institutes and academic societies dedicated to improving the cultivation methods and commercial value of ginseng, and diverse public and private organizations working on behalf of the promotion of ginseng culture. Knowledge on ginseng cultivation has been handed down through the generations and is actively practiced in the present. In recognition of all this heritage value, ginseng culture has been designated as National Intangible Cultural Heritage. * As ginseng cultivation and its medicinal use is not confined to particular regions, no holders or holder organizations have been recognized for this element.
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