

Pheb-so: Greeting and seeing-off
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002282
    Country Bhutan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
    Dzongkhags (districts) of Eastern region.
    Year of Designation 2022
Description The Bhutanese custom of greeting and farewell, known as Pheb-so, is a significant culture in Bhutan. Although this custom has disappeared over time, there are some places and regions where the custom of greeting and farewell is still pronounced. Suwa, which means greeting, welcome or arrival, is practiced when a guest or someone new visits the place or region. The receiving of guests at a distance before they reach their destination is an age-old tradition in Bhutan. Sumptuous meals are prepared along with tea or alcoholic drinks. Both the guest and the reception party enjoy the meal together and continue on their way. This tradition called suwa before arriving at home has now all but disappeared in most parts of the country due to motor road connections, which take the guest right up to the village. Nonetheless, the custom continues at the national level for the receiving of dignitaries, and elaborate preparations are made in the case of His Majesty the King and members of the Royal Family, and His Holiness the Je Khenpo. People from the village normally make a point of offering tshokchang especially to the Royal Visitors, and the ministers of the entourage. Separately visiting officials are also welcomed in this way but with less elaboration. Likewise, guests are also accompanied some distance along the way when they depart. In the family or the village, seeing off the guest takes place at the point where the transport service is available. However, the official seeing off is as elaborate as the reception, at about the same distance from the place of residence. Apart from His Majesty the King and members of the Royal Family and His Holiness the Je Khenpo, alcohol is an important item to serve both at the reception and see-off points. Chawang char is to unfold the kabney and bow down to receive the VIPs as the main host offers khadar (auspicious silk scarf ). The reception party should be formally dressed for the occasion. At the time of seeing off, the hosts unfold the kabney and bow down as a sign of respect, but do not present khadar. In traditional Bhutanese custom, the oral greeting of ‘kuzu zangpo la’ is used among people of equal rank and not to dignitaries higher than oneself. Similarly, no words of farewell are used while seeing off, except that the departing dignitary may say a few words of appreciation. Some soelre (gift, usually in the form of cash) is left in appreciation for the tshokchang or hospitality offered by the people or a household. Formerly, people waved to each other with khadar until the departing guests were no longer in sight. However, this custom has also disappeared because of travel in motor cars. Nonetheless, at the point of departure, a friendly well-wishing song is exchanged between the two parties as follows: People who are leaving: The high sky is on the other side of the pass; While the sun is on this side of the pass; Because of the distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are staying back: The sun is all set and going, While the high sky will remain behind; If the sun is definitely leaving, Please take the high sky along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are leaving: The high mountain is on the other side of the pass, While the snow lion is on this side of the pass; Because of the distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are staying back: The snow lion is all set and going, While the mountain will stay behind; If the snow lion is definitely leaving, Please take the mountain along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are leaving: The beautiful meadow is on the other side of the pass, While the stag is on this side of the pass; Because of the distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those left behind flourish. People who are staying back: The stag is all set and going, While the beautiful meadow is staying back; If the stag is definitely leaving, Please take the beautiful meadow along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are leaving: The serene lake is on the other side of the pass, While the golden-eyed fish is on this side of the pass; Owing to distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those left behind flourish. People who are staying back: The golden-eyed fish is all set and going, While the serene lake is staying back; If the golden eyed fish is definitely leaving, Please take the serene lake along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are leaving: The solitary monastery stands on the other side of the pass, While the venerable lama is on this side of the pass, Because of the distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those left behind flourish. People who are staying back: The venerable lama is all set and going, While the solitary monastery is staying behind; If the venerable lama is definitely leaving, Please take the solitary monastery along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are leaving: The majestic fortress stands on the other side of the pass, While the powerful ruler is on this side of the pass; Owing to long distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are staying back: The powerful ruler is all set and going, While the majestic fortress is staying back; If the powerful ruler is definitely leaving, Please take the majestic fortress along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of staying behind flourish. People who are leaving: The peaceful hamlet is on the other side of the pass, While the benevolent parents are on this side of the pass; Owing to the long distance, we could not meet last year, Yet it made us happy as we could meet this year. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish. People who are staying back: The benevolent parents are all set and going, While the peaceful hamlet is staying back; If the benevolent parents are definitely leaving, Please take the peaceful hamlet along with you. Let the wishes of those leaving be fulfilled, And let the fortune of those staying behind flourish.
Social and cultural significance The Bhutanese custom of greeting and saying goodbye is a very important culture in Bhutan. It brings people together and creates a harmonious country. This kind of custom brings social cohesion and creates strong bonds between the community and people of different kinds. It also teaches human values and upholds the ancient tradition.
Transmission method With the change of time, this custom of greeting and reunion has lost its importance. Despite all this, people from the East still practice and maintain this custom. While welcoming the guest, people bring food, khadhar (silken scarf) and drinks for the guest. They enjoy eating together and also drink alcohol. When saying goodbye, people ask the guest when he is leaving and visit him before he leaves. People come with alcohol and say goodbye to the guest and give him advice and good wishes. Then the guest gives soelras (gifts) to the people who see him off.
Community Common practice in the communities in the Eastern part of Bhutan. Data contributed by: Mr. Gengop Karchung, NLAB
Information source
National Library and Archives of Bhutan