

Samla Kakor (Kakor Soup)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002470
    Country Cambodia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description “Kakor” is a delicious soup and rich in nutrients. It is really good for your health, as there are many kinds of fresh fish, meat and vegetables put together. This soup has a lot of ingredients, especially vegetables it can be put to your liking. But in general, the vegetables that are commonly used for this soup are often plants that grow near the house or in the field, such as eggplant, pumpkin, papaya, long beans, bitter melon leaf, green amaranth, Ivy gourd leaf, young leaf of pumpkin, luffa gourd, moringa leaf, young leaf of cassava, palm fruit, slender carpetweed, Agate flower and so on. For fish, there can be many types of fish that can be used, but the most common are large fish without scales, but rich in fat, such as Chhlang fish, Por fish, Chhlat fish, Trornel fish, Pra fish, and so on. But if they do not like fish, they can add three layers of pork. As for the ingredients, there are Kaffir leaf, lemongrass, garlic, galangal, turmeric, ginger root, fermented fish, pork belly, roasted rice (grinded), sugar, salt, and fish sauce (optional). For the first cooking step, one needs to grind the ingredients together and then roast them with oil. Then add Prahok and fried rice and stir the mixture until it smells good. Next, add fish (cut into slices) or minced pork to the mix. Wait until the fish/meat is cooked enough, then add the chosen vegetables and ingredients (salt, sugar ...) into the pot. Stir the ingredients until it well-cooked before adding clean water. The Khmer old saying mentioned that, “a delicious Kakor is made of stir-fried dove meat or turtle meat.”
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