

The Dance Art of the Tày in Tà Chải
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002641
    Country Vietnam
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
    Year of Designation 2014
Description From the folk dance art of the Tày people, in order to serve the entertainment demands of the upper classes in society, the Tày tribes have established The (Xòe dance) teams, consisting of beautiful, charming women with good figures and talent in dancing and singing. Then, during the process of interacting with French mandarins and intellectuals, the Xòe dance art of the Tay people in Tả Chải added elements of French aristocratic dance art - waltzes, at the end of the 19th century, early 20th century. This has become a unique feature, bringing its own breath of Xòe dance of theTày people here. Xòe Dance Art is performed at festivals such as going to the fields, worshiping the forest, new rice, Lunar New Year, Lantern Festival, etc. The places where Xòe dancing is performed are large, flat yards or beaches. Currently, Xòe dancing of the Tày in Tả Chải has 12 melodies, including 6 Xòe melodies accompanied by drums and gongs and 6 Xòe melodies accompanied by trumpets and drums. Xòe dances accompanied by drums and gongs are a combination of stepping, shoulder tilting, back-slapping, stepping, floor stomping, and rice threshing. Xòe dances with musical accompaniment of trumpets and drums are a combination of two-person dance, four-person dance, fish-finding dance, scarf dance, hat dance, and flag dance. Xòe Then is a unique creation when you sing Then with the Tính instrument. On the full moon day of February, this ceremony is held. Lady Then sat in the front to sing, while the troupe danced in the back. Rhythms such as greeting guests, spreading towels (the scarf), spreading fish (pi à), spreading flags (the cờ), spreading gongs (pa nhăm pa), spreading doubles, spreading fours, dancing around, spreading threshing rice (Phặt khẩu), etc. On the basis of traditional Xòe dancing, nowadays, artisans have created new Xòe dances such as Xòe planting beans, Xòe knitting stars, Xòe picking tea, Xoe serving wine, etc. The birth of new Xòe dances makes the Xòe treasure of art is becoming increasingly richer.
Community Tà Chải Commune, Bắc Hà District, Lào Cai Province

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)