

Kumnab (Poems, lyrics)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002445
    Country Cambodia
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Description Poetry is a collection of words that have a catchy ending, sometimes sweet, using a method of composition with rules. There are phrases and the number of syllables depends on the type of song. Poetry in the heart language of a poet can make the reader or listener excited, happy, sad, loving, angry, hateful and hurt. It is not clear when Khmer poetry originated, although in Cambodia there is evidence of Sanskrit poetry in pre-Angkor era inscriptions. On the other hand, Khmer poets learned poetry from Indian and the content is embedded with a deep religious philosophy, composed to praise the gods or the power of the king. The concept of writing is very different from Khmer poetry, which is a popular word written for entertainment, in which it describes the feelings, emotions, poets or other stories in daily life. The surviving and oldest Khmer language poem is the Reamker poem, which, through the study of words, was written between the 16th and 17th centuries and the poem "Angkor Wat" was composed by an aspirant in 1620 – song. The poem "Song" is found only in the first part of the Reamker story, which proves to be the oldest "remaining poem". Apart from this, the story of Reamker and the story of Angkor Wat is usually composed of three types of poems, namely, "Bat Pumnol" (or called "MohaChey"), * Poems "and" Bak kakete" and Prum kate.
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