

Pleng Arak (Spirit music)
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00002452
    Country Cambodia
    ICH Domain Performing Arts
Description "Arak" refers to inhuman, ghosts, demons, monsters that come to occupy or look after people, known as, "Protector." Traditionally, when there is a disaster in the village or district, such as drought and others, the villagers hold a ceremony to cast the spirits who always take care of their village by Ban jorn arak or trance to inquire about all the reasons. In the demonic ritual (or some districts call it "memot"), "Pleng Arak " is played to invite spirits to come and comfort the spirits not to get angry. The special melodies and lyrics that are performed in this ceremony are often related to ghosts, with words that are sarcastic, comforting, or exhilarating according to the characteristics of each ghost that enters. Nowadays, it is observed that in the Arak music troupe, there are musical instruments such as: 1 Tro khmer (or three-stringed Tro) 1, 1 Tro Ou (two-stringed Tro), 1 Pey (or Pey Or), 1 long chapei, 1 string or single 1, Pei Pok 1 and 4 devil drums. According to the classical music teacher, the old devil music has less equipment, there is one Khmer Tro, one string, one long chapei, one Pei Or and two arak drums.
Community Thmar Bang District, Botum Sakor District and Sre Ambel District, Koh Kong Province and Public Art Group

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