

Dutar making craftsmanship and traditional music performing art combined with singing marks_1
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001976
    Country Turkmenistan
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations Performing Arts Social practices, rituals, festive events Traditional craft skills
    The element representing a dutar's music performance practice combined with singing of five main turkmen tribes each with its own distinctive features of performance styles combined with dutar making craftsmanship is available within all territory of Turkmenistan. The element also is available within the region as well as over the world where the turkmen ethnic groups are hsitorically lived.
Description It is a combined genre consisting of a dutar making craftsmanship with creative abilities including a composing of music and performing of dutar’s music sat down accompanying by singing. A dutar is a two-stringed, long necked lute consisting of a pear-shaped resonator (body) covered by thin wooden sounding board. The turkmen dutar’s resonator and soundboard are made from mulberry wood prepared from dried bole of the tree no less than 50 years old and the neck of apricot wood. Most melody’ notes are played on the upper of the dutar’s two strings with the four fingers of the left hand. The dutar is an inseparable part of culture of the turkmen people where it is found in all of the main genres of turkmen music and singing. Performers of the turkmen dutar‘s music and singers are divided into 2 groups. A dutar player named as a dutarchy is performing only dutar’s music. A bagshy is a peformer of dutar’s music accompanying by singing of the different genres of poetry which also subdivided into 3 types according to their performing styles and repertiores. A yanamachy bagshy is only a singer accompanied by music performed by dutarchy. A tirmechi bagshy is a performer of different genres of the turkmen music accompanying by singing. A dessanchy bagshy is an epic perfomer incorporating narrating, singing, vocal improvisation which in its performances a prose and poetry are alternated.
Social and cultural significance As a social tool the element promotes the social integrity for the community members based on the common interests, habits and transmission of skills and knowledge related to it to the future generation providing them with a sense of social identity. The element is an essential part of the family festivities, national celebrations, cultural festivals, social gatherings, daily entertainment programmes via mass media where the bearers and practitioners of the element are active participants playing a vital role in the process of socialization of culture which promote mutual respect, understanding and social solidarity among performers and related communities.
Transmission method Dutar making craftsmanship skills and related knowledge are transmitted at the family and community levels from a master to an apprentice individually, as a tradition from father to son as informal practical training and teaching through oral explanations and demonstration of skills of the master before the apprentice. The turkmen dutar's music (solo dutar) performance skills are transmitted by the word of mouth and demonstration of dutar playing techniquies to the potential leaners individually. Related knowledge about the dutar music repertiore are transmitted through informal teaching and received from the documented sources of different formats (printed, audio and video). The turkmen dutar's music performances combined with singing skills including a narration, playing the dutar, performing of singing, vocal improvisation are acqured during special informal training of amateurs through listening, watching and imitating the master for 6-12 years no charge. After finalizing of a training the master gives the disciple “a blessing” after his/her exam pass of achievements to evaluate of his/her independent performance of the dutar music or dutar music accompanied with singing before the audience and the disciple is awarded a title of “Dutarchy” or “Bagshy”or “Dessanchy bagshy” depending on the genre. It gives them the right to perform the element independently and teaching youngest learners properly transmission of the attributes of element to future generation. The Turkmen State Institute of Culture, National Conservatory and specialized musical scholls at each velayats of Turkmenistan offer a formal training to improve of dutar playing skills, singing abilities and performing techniques.
Community The bearers of and practitioners of the element consist of the following 3 interrelated groups: 1. Bearers of dutar making craftsmanship skills are individual dutar makers represented dominantly by men represented from all strata of the turkmen society. They are responsible for teaching of interested boys as disciples in the turkmen dutar’s making skills according to the traditional requirements and rules. Practising of this genre of the element is as a vocation or a hobbi depending on a personal choice of the amateur. 2. The bearers and practitioners of the turkmen dutar's music (solo dutar) are individual masters- professional performers (a dutarchy) represented mainly by men. The key bearers and practitioners of the turkmen dutar’s music accompanying with singing are individual masters-bagshys and their disciples represented by members of all social groups of the turkmen society including equal participation of both males and females. They are responsible for teaching of potential disciples according to the norms of oral traditions and performing arts. As a tradition a practise of the solo dutar music and its combination with accompanying singing are as a vocation or a profession depending on personal abilities and choice of the amateur. 3. Local scholars and musicologists in the fields of study of dutar playing with musical composition and oral traditions as narration, vocal improvisation with singing are also responsible for the transmission of the practice and knowledge on the element to the learners and the wide public.
Type of UNESCO List Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Incribed year in UNESCO List 2021

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