

Wood carving art
  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001097
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
    Fergana, Khorezm, Samarkand regions and Tashkent
    Year of Designation 2011
Description The art of wood carving in Uzbekistan is part of the Central Asian artistic heritage and its origins date back to ancient times. In the traditional architecture and life of the peoples of Uzbekistan for a long time, carved wood was very popular. In architecture, it was used as important architectural details and structures such as columns, cornices, doors, ceilings, and gratings. The use of carved wood in everyday life, or as it is also called household carving, absorbed a wide range of objects from furniture to small household utensils. Local wood species were used as a material: plane tree, elm, walnut, juniper, here, apricot, poplar, tal, pear, quince, cida, which differ in a variety of texture and pattern. When decorating various household items, furniture and musical instruments, the craftsmen used ornamental carving, painting and inlay. The main centers of woodcarving art are Khiva, Urgench, Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Qoqand, Margilan, Andijan, Fergana, Shahrisyabz etc.
Social and cultural significance The situation in wood carving began to change due to the transformations taking place in the local market. Nowadays, wood carving masters of Kokand, Khiva and Samarkand concentrate on creation of items and products for interiors of architectural buildings in Uzbekistan and abroad. When it comes to household items, it could be told that nowadays they are used mainly as souvenirs. And these are wood carvers of Tashkent, who are mostly specializing in creation of such items. Following the centuries-old artistic traditions, Uzbek masters of new generation are making their contribution to the safeguarding of this unique type of folk art. The country's art salons display wide variety of items decorated with wood carvings. The artistic meaning and value of a pattern on a product are determined not only by the beauty of the ornament, but also by its plastics, the rhythms of individual elements, and their harmonious linking with the shape of the object. Craftsmen use ornaments for monumental carving and for decorating products, accordingly changing their scale and depth of relief, they always creatively interpret the functionality and architectonics of the product. Despite all the trials and vicissitudes of fate, wood carving remains one of the most popular types of applied art. The natural texture of wood, the stability of ancient traditions, the warmth of skilled hands, transferred by the master to his work, make wood carving especially attractive to people in the modern world of high technologies.
Transmission method Transmission of knowledge and skills is taking place on the basis of traditional non-formal learning method Usto-Shogird (“Master-Apprentice”) and/or within formal educational programme in specialized educational establishments.
Community Uzbekistan Republican "Khunarmand" Association and its regional branches in Qoqand, Samarkand, Tashkent and Khiva
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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