

  • Manage No, Sortation, Country, Writer ,Date, Copyright
    Manage No EE00001055
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
    All over the country
Description Folklore genre, a short funny story, usually transmitted from mouth to mouth. Most often, an anecdote is characterized by an unexpected semantic resolution at the very end, which gives rise to laughter.
Social and cultural significance The anecdote is changing. This is especially noticeable by his heroes. Some are forgotten, others arise, new anecdotal cycles are formed. The main feature of the joke is its structure: it should have an unexpected ending, which causes laughter among listeners. It is in the "unexpected witty ending" that not only researchers, but also its carriers see the main sign of the joke. The anecdote arose and for a long time existed exclusively as a genre of oral literature. Researchers note the features of telling anecdotes: "The closest modern urban anecdote is to such folklore genres as folk theater. Telling a joke is not a narrative, but a performance made by a single actor. "Anecdote gradually from a certain folklore genre becomes a cultural phenomenon. He enriches everyday speech, adding key phrases of jokes to quotes from popular books, films and television films. Even more interesting from a folkloristic point of view is the existence of an online joke, which is not only a powerful means of disseminating texts: electronic sites allow you to study the life of the joke in modern culture. In Uzbekistan, we can see the release of jokes on wide scenes. Now there are many humorous groups that boldly use jokes in their work. Events such as the Fun and Resourceful Club are also mainly based on satire and humor.
Transmission method The element is an integral part of Uzbek folklore. It is passed from generation to generation, in the family, makhalla, kindergarten, school. It is specially studied in educational institutions of the philological direction. Books for children, special literature are published. Specialized research institutes are working on this topic.
Community Families, kindergartens, schools, hobby groups in culture centers, philological universities, the Institute of the Uzbek language, literature and folklore, theaters, comedians
Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity