

Ngũ đối hạ (Singing with accompaniment)
Description This solemn piece belongs to the series of seven Nhạc pieces. The complete version consists of thirty-eight four-bar phrases. The lyrics are about parents’ inmost feelings and their reminders to the daughter. This musical piece is played by the cò (two string fiddle) and the kìm (moon-shaped lute). The kìm, a plucked string instrument, has two strings. It is made of wood and has a flat and round resonator. On the surface, the gauges are attached. It has a long neck with nine frets. The rest three frets are on the surface. The two silk or nylon strings are tuned at a perfect fifth interval. The players use the left hand to press the frets and the right hand to pluck the strings. The instrument can be plucked using a fingernail or a bamboo or plastic plectrum. The cò is a bow stringed instrument with two iron strings tuned to a fourth or a perfect fifth interval. The body of the instrument is cylindrical and the top surface is covered with snake skin. The neck is made of wood and does not have frets. The bow is strung with horsetail. The players use the left hand to press onto the neck to create pitch and the right hand to bow.
Manage No AI00000347
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Ngọc Chiêu (singer) Accompaniment ensemble: Nguyễn Thế Huyện (the cò fiddle), Anh Duy (the kìm lute) Year 1977
Place File Size 4.47
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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