

Deh Dam Ena ciêng(Men and women play when they are happy) - Solo of the đinh tác ta
Description The đinh tác ta is an aerophonic instrument made of a hornless bamboo section put through a dry gourd. At the hornless bamboo part inside the gourd, there is a bamboo reed. The rest of the bamboo part has three pressing holes. When playing, the instrumentalist holds the knob of the gourd in his mouth while his left thumb covers or opens the other end. His right thumb, forefinger, and middle finger press the three holes on the section. Đinh tác ta’s timbre is loud and clear. Only men play this instrument in the fields or on the roads; it is rarely performed in the village.
Manage No AI00000299
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Y Bla Mlô Year 1997
Place File Size 1.85
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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