

Yawur(Yapese Men’s Standing Dance Chant)
Description Yawur is a traditional Yapese men’s standing dance from Tomil municipality on the eastern side of Yap. The dance was composed in the early days based on the hardship the Yapese people had experienced in Palau during the German colonial period. Yapese people were brought to Angaur (Yawur) in Palau by the Germans to excavate phosphate for Germany. Many were reluctant to go to Angaur because of the belief that it was a land of sickness and home of the evil spirits. They were also unsure if they could make it back home to be with their families again. The dance talks about all the hardship experienced during the time in Angaur as well as the apologies to the evil spirits on Angaur to save their lives. It also talks about the survivors who made it back home and their hope for not going back to Angaur again.
Manage No AI00000503
Country Federated States of Micronesia
Audio Performer Men from Tomil Municipality Year 2010
Place File Size 11.9
Definition File Format MP3
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