

Melgobengbeng (Yapese Men’s Sitting Dance Chant)
Description Melgobengbeng is a traditional Yapese chant performed during men’s sitting dances in Balebat village, Rull municipality in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. This chant talks about how Paluwlop traveled afar by canoe to retrieve the head of his father, who was killed by cannibals in a land that early native Yapese referred to as Moroes (believed to have been a part of modern-day Papua New Guinea). Paluwlop’s father was killed and his head was saved and placed on a roroew, a local food stone platform, for the high chief of that land. The chant also talks about the obstacles Paluwlop and his crew of siblings encountered during their long expedition.
Manage No AI00000505
Country Federated States of Micronesia
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events
Audio Performer Men from Balebat Village, Rull Municipality Year 2015-03-02
Place File Size 19
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright Copyright

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