

Fiyoangon Laimos me woan Ruung(The Story of a Lady from Chuuk)
Description This is a story of a lady from Chuuk. A long time ago, there lived a lady in Chuuk in the Eastern Caroline Islands with her three daughters and a son named Laimos. The children used to play around their house near the beach because their mother told them not to go far away from their house. One day, the children decided to go beyond the neighborhood and followed the coast to the other side of the island. There they encountered one old female ghost. The female ghost tried to kill them. Thanks to the knowledge and magic learned from their mother, though, the children could defeat the female ghost. This story teaches a good lesson that children should always listen to their parents.
Manage No AI00000509
Country Federated States of Micronesia
Audio Performer N/A Year
Place File Size 15.9
Definition File Format MP3
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