

Ê wa a ngin (Worshipping rice) -Ensemble of the cing kram
Description Cing kram means bamboo gong. It is an idiophonic instrument, striking branch. Cing kram consists of two parts: a bamboo section and a resonator made of a large bamboo piece. Each Cing kram produces a pitch that corresponds to that of a gong in a bronze gong set of the Ê đê people. The five-tone musical scale of Cing kram set is equivalent to that of the bronze gong set, arranged from low to high under the names of grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, and children. The instrument has a clear sound and can be played at a quick tempo, creating a joyful and bustling atmosphere. When played in an ensemble, many Cing kram are used together, with each player in charge of playing one section. The repertoire of the Cing kram set is the same as that of the bronze gong set. T he player sits in column on the Kpa couch in the communal house. The bamboo section is put on the left hand’s palm. Under each bamboo section is one resonator, which is put upright between the player’s thighs so that one head of the resonator is in close contact with the bamboo section. The right hand of the player holds a stick to strike the bamboo section. When playing, the player’s lefthand thumb is used to keep the instrument section steady and can cover or open the head of the bamboo section to adjust the vibrato
Manage No AI00000257
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer The folk artist group Year 1998
Place File Size 1.48
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright -

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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