

Musical pieces in the weddings (Instrumental ensemble)
Description Marriage to the Nùng ethnic minority is not merely that of a couple but has a greater meaning that is the ritual of community cohesion, keeping the ethnic group’s cultural identity. A wedding ceremony takes place in accordance with certain traditions and customs, such as bride and groom welcoming, ancestor worshiping, groom receiving; asking for a bride welcoming, etc. In the celebration to ask for the bride, the heads of the groom’s family will play music or sing to ask for the bride, and the bride’s family also plays music or sings in response. The instrumental music in Nùng weddings is mainly performed by men. Musical instruments may include the nhị (two-string fiddle), wind instruments, and cymbals.
Manage No AI00000258
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Lô Vi Khai, Lô Vi Phan Year 1970
Place File Size 2.27
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright -

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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