

Hò khuyên (Singing for confidence between men and women)
Description Since ancient times, the Nùng ethnic minority regarded folksongs as confidence, a means of communication and love expressions, and the vibration of the heart. In singing, they can express their thoughts and feelings at anytime and anywhere. Hò khuyên is sung to the tune of Hèo Phươn, a typical Nùng An folk song. Hèo Phươn is sung based on a pair of poems, each pair has two sentences and each sentence has ten words. When singing, each part for men or women has two people— one bass voice and one high voice. They sing in harmonious and romantic parts. Words of the ancient songs are full of overflowing, profound, lyrical, yearning, and loving words.
Manage No AI00000259
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Lương Thị Chằng, Lương Thị Nùng Year 1970
Place File Size 1.13
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright -

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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