

Howk Truh Boh Tro Bla -Solo of the đing buốt
Description Đing buốt is an aerophonic instruments. It is a vertical flute with reed. The flute has four pressing holes on the body and one blowing hole before the reed. From the hole before the reed to the first pressing hole on the body is a distance of one span. Đing buốt is for only the male and performed solo or to accompany singing. It can be used to play musical pieces with fast tempo and flexibly play finger techniques such as tongue, vibrating, trill, etc. Đing buốt can be played everywhere, in the field, on the road, or in love-exchanges. However, there are also strict taboos on the repertoire; for example the piece “Crying wife” is never performed on weekdays.
Manage No AI00000280
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer N Yơm Niê Year 1997
Place File Size 3.04
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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