

The medley of Dá Hai (singing with accompaniment)
Description Dá hai is an art form performed on the folk stage by Nùng people in the eastern districts of the northern border. In the 1960s and 1970s, Dá hai drama had a strong development and many groups performing this kind of drama appeared. Dá hai drama had turned into a Nùng style from a form of puppetry Mộc Thầu Hý, a popular art form at village fairs in Cao Bằng Dá hai drama performs ancient stories, such as Phạm Tải - Ngọc Hoa, Hoa Mộc Lan tòng quân (Hoa Mộc Lan joined the army), Hoa phù dung, Tống Chân - Cúc Hoa, Lương Sơn Bá - Chúc Anh Đài, etc. Dá hai has many tunes, depending on content, themes, and details of characters that performers use—Sai va páo (playful, excited), sli páo, pìn táo (lyrical, romantic), cù táo (sad and mourning). The nhị (two-string fiddle) is always played as accompaniment in Dá hai. On a larger stage, Dá hai drama includes the accompaniment of a small orchestra consisting of nhị bố (two-string fiddle with a bass sound), nhị mẹ (two-string fiddle with delicate sound), cymbal, bamboo flute, and small drum. This track has excerpts of characters who, despite broken love affair, should not to be too sad but hope for a better future.
Manage No AI00000284
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Lồ Dính Sang (singing), Trịnh Văn Lùng (playing nhị two-string fiddle) Year 1905
Place File Size 4.24
Definition File Format MP3
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Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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