

(Opening the door to offer flowers) - Singing with pí lè accompaniment
Description According to the census data in 2009, the Tày ethnic minority in Vietnam had a population of over 1.6 million, making it the second most populous group in Vietnam, mostly residing in the provinces of Lạng Sơn and Cao Bằng. the Tày people have a rich treasure of folk culture and folk songs that are performed in rituals and daily activities. Mở cửa dâng hoa (Opening the door to offer flowers) is a song sung during the wedding ceremonies. The song’s content is to remind the couple to live well and desire a life of peace and happiness.
Manage No AI00000286
Country Vietnam
Audio Performer Phan Văn Vinh (singing), Phan Văn Thạch (playing the pí lè instrument) Year 1970
Place File Size 1.82
Definition File Format MP3
Copyright -

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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