

Sea Gypsies
  • Manage No PI00004706
    Country Southeast Asia
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description Sea Gypsies also known as Bajau Laut or Moken are semi-nomadic Austronesian people who live in the Maritime Southeast Asia. They usually live seaborne lifestyle, and use small wooden sailing vessels such as "perahu" or "leap-lepa". A peaceable people, today their maritime existence that recognises no national boundaries is endangered. Their semi-nomadic number have been diminished in recent years due to political and post-tsunami regulations. A few Sea Gypsies families however still sail across the turquoise water of the Southeast Asia Maritime in their "perahu" for 7 or 8 months of the year. For Sea Gypsies, the ocean is their entire universe!
Photographer Khairel Anuar Che Ani
Place File Size 1.81MB
Definition 1812 X 1208 File Format JPG
Copyright Khairel Anuar Che Ani, ICHCAP Copyright

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