

Dha-zo: The Art of Making Bow and Arrow
  • Manage No PI00007070
    Country Bhutan
    Year 2017
    ICH Domain Traditional craft skills
Description Archery is a game that people in Bhutan have been playing since time immemorial. It is played as a tournament, friendly game and recreationally. Archery has become so popular that it was declared the national game of Bhutan in 1971. With few exceptions, the materials used to make bows and arrows are common and standardized, and differ mainly because of their availability. Here in Paro, one of the western dzongkhags (districts), Mr. Rinchen Gyeltshen from the village of Shari in the Tsen-to Gewog (block) explains that archery was practiced in the days of his ancestors and that bow and arrow making never required formal, certified training or a course, but was learned naturally over time. More than 35 years ago, in the interest of the game itself, he began making bows and arrows. Even today, teenage boys can be seen enthusiastically playing archery in dry rice fields in the villages.
Photographer Ugyen Chophel
Place Thimphu. File Size 4.67 MB
Definition 300dpi File Format JPG
Copyright NLAB Copyright
Information source
National Library and Archives of Bhutan

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