

Khoja Nasreddin satirical and humorous storytelling traditions
  • Manage No PI00007983
    Country Turkey,Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,Azerbaijan
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations
Description "Traditions of telling humorous and satirical stories about Khoja Nasriddin - a folklore character of the peoples of the Muslim East. Khoja Nasreddin is a collective image devoid of spatial and temporal boundaries. He is a connecting link in a chain of cultural phenomena that are far from each other; in the end, he constitutes a single cultural layer. The first appearance of anecdotes about Khoja Nasreddin dates back to the 10th century. The literary character of Nasruddin is eclectic and combines in himself the image of a sage and a simpleton at the same time, an internally contradictory image of an antihero, a vagabond, a freethinker, a rebel, a fool, a holy fool, a sly man, a rogue and even a cynical philosopher, a subtle scientist-theologian and a Sufi. He makes fun of human vices, misers, bigots, hypocrites, bribe judges, etc."
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity