

  • Manage No PI00002794
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description Ramadan is the ninth month in the Muslim lunar year. In Is¬lamic religion it is believed that Allah began revealing the Koran to Muhammad in this month. For this reason the month of Ramadan is considered as the holy one, and it is during this month that Muslims are obliged to keep the fast. nRamadan, which was considered among pre-Islamic Arabs as one of the four holy months, initially fell on summer. Also, on the eve of the spread of Islamic religion there existed a tradition of do¬ing good deeds (tahannus) during the month of Ramadan in Mecca. The Koran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad on the night before 27th day of the month of Ramadan (Laylat al-Qadr). And fasting during this month was initially prescribed in the 2nd year of hegira. In Muslim countries the traditions and rituals associated with the month of Ramadan are observed based on the own customs and traditions.n
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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