

Carpet weaving
Description One of the most labor-intensive artistic crafts in Uzbekistan is carpet-making, the traditions of which go back to the ancient times.Cattleman has been rich for wool products and they mostly used wool of sheep and camel since olden time. Handmade carpet making is laborious work and it demands from the weaver great effort, taste and skill. In pre-Mongolian period carpet items produced by Turkic tribes of Oghuz origin were especially popular. Later, during the epoch ofTemurids, it is possible to observe active interaction of Iranian and Turkic carpet-making traditions.However, starting from the XVI century carpet items produced by Uzbek tribes from Dashtiqip- choq became widespread in Mawarannahr.
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Definition 8760 x 5840 File Format jpg
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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