

Rakhine Mi Chaung Saun: (crocodile Harp)
  • Manage No PI00004922
    Country Myanmar
    Year 2014-06-18
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Description Sayar Mg Htwe who lived Lak kauk bazaar at Mrauk-U invented the Rakhine crocodile zither according to the Rakhine Culture literature which is written by U Aung Thar OO. Marlakon fiddle is influential used to play for the royal ceremony of the ancient Rakhine king. Later it has to be used influentially to the countryside. Nowadays, there is no player who can play the Rakhine crocodile zither of the playing method. Playing method is that right forefinger strikes the string and left forefinger presses the middle fret of the arm of the zither to produce scale. The four Rakhine scales are the song of sea wave , a thunderous song, the echo and the sound of water drop which have to be played the Tha gjin:, Ei: gjin, E: gjin. Jin Dai’ wood which is the kind of hard-wood tree ( Dalbergia cultrate ) or wood has to be sculpted the shape of crocodile. The head and the trail are decorated with rinceau; scroll-work with floral motif; floral arabesque and the body is made a hallow. Royal crocodile zither is decorated with glass mosaic and gilt. A silk-yarn, a cotton tread-yarn and a metal string (brass string) are put on the back( between the waist and shoulder ).It has to be put on three strings and an extra string. A short stump or a bridge which is called Sein Thee is put on the middle of it so that it can be controlled the middle string of the three strings. A peg is put on it so that the strings can be made tuning. -3 feet 9 inches in the length of crocodile -6 inches in the width of crocodile -3.5 inches in the height of crocodile head -8.5 inches in the height of crocodile tail -3 feet 6 inches in the length of harp
Place Sittwe, Rakhine state File Size 293KB
Definition 1199 X 799 File Format PNG
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