

Maung Mhu (or) Maunggyi Saing (Big Gong)
  • Manage No PI00004980
    Country Myanmar
    Year 2014-07-08
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Description Maung Mhu (or) Maunggyi of big gong is to be shouldered by two men. It has to be played with mallet covered with a piece of cloth. Pao Maunggyi Saing is played in special occasions such as ceremony to hoist umbrella atop the pagoda, ceremony to share merit deed for donation of religious edifice, novitiation ceremony, light illuminating ceremony in the month of Thadingyut (October), Kahtina ceremony, Pao national celebration, ceremony to pour water to Bo tree, and new year festival in the month of Tagu (April). It is called Maung Mhu(Head of gongs) because it is named after the big gong of gong ensemble. This gong ensemble is consisted of 7 gongs, bigger cymbals, smaller cymbals and two-headed drum(Si). Today, the two-headed drum(Si) is substituted with Ozi (or) pot-drum. These gongs are made of brass by casting it. -3 feet in length -7 inches in diameter of boss -4 inches in thickness
Place Hopone Town, Shan state File Size 423KB
Definition 1320 X 880 File Format PNG
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