

Chầu Văn Rituals of the Việt in Nam Định Province - Props for a Lên đồng ritual
  • Manage No PI00005641
    Country Vietnam
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description The Chầu văn rituals of the Việt people are a form of complex ritual and cultural expression that is closely connected to the worshipping of the mother goddesses of the four realms and the Mẫu Tứ phủ Saint worshiping cult. The rituals include receiving incarnations of the deities and văn singing (chầu văn singing). They and are conducted by an incense holder, practitioners, musicians, and assistants to the practitioners in front of altars at temples, castles, palaces, and shrines.
Place Chầu văn Rituals of the Việt exist in many regions of the country, but are concen-trated mainly in the northern and central northern parts (Nam Định, Hà Nam, Ninh Bình, Hai Dương, Hanoi, Thái Bình, Lào Cai, Yên Bái, Thanh Hoá, Nghệ An…). Chầu văn Rituals of the Việt”in Nam Định, including Mẫu Tứ phủ and Saint Trần cults, are held in 287 relics (such as palaces, temples, and pagodas) distributed across ten districts and cities in the province. File Size 20.6KB
Definition 496 X 355 File Format JPG
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