

Thánh Gióng’s Statue at Phù Đổng Temple, Phù Đổng Commune, Gia Lâm
  • Manage No PI00006124
    Country Vietnam
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Description GIÓNG FESTIVAL OF PHÙ ĐỔNG AND SÓC TEMPLES In the historical books and folk beliefs of the Việt, there have been many stories and legends of Thánh Gióng - the Saint of the ancient Việt who was considered as one of the four immortal gods by the Vietnamese nationwide. The monarchic dynasties of the Great Việt in Vietnam bequeathed him as a Heavenly King. Legend has it that he was born as the result of a magical union between a girl from Gióng village and the giant footprint of the rain god in the Việt’s myths. At the age of three, he grew miraculously into a giant after hearing the King’s appeal to find gifted people to save the country and its people. After defeating the foreign invaders, the hero went to Sóc mountain and flew into the heaven.
Place Phù Đổng Temple, Phù Đổng Commune, Gia Lâm File Size 1MB
Definition 1890x2906 File Format jpg
Copyright VICAS Copyright

Information source
Vietnam National Institute Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS)

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