

Traditional Food Preservation Methods⁃ Toni Kora (Fermented Grated Coconut)
  • Manage No PI00006682
    Country Fiji
    Year 2020⁃10⁃30
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description Different parts of Fiji, have different methods of preparing Kora. For the island of Qoma, kora is prepared by scrapping coconut, and squeezing out its milk. The squeezed grated coconut will then be wrapped in banana leaves, and soaked in sea water. Large stones are placed over the kora bundle to press down the wrapped product, and hold it in place during high tide. Some parts of Fiji use nylon sacks for storing grated coconut before placing in sea. Sea water helps soften the grated coconut and add salt to the mixture. At low tide, women identify suitable places at the foreshore to place the prepared kora bundle. Some prefer to place kora in tidal pools or rock pools; some on foreshore while those far way from the ocean prepare the mixture at home. It is said that the difference in salt concentration determines the taste of Kora. Therefore it is placed in areas with little to no human interaction where sea water is clean with no pollutants.
Photographer Melaia Tikoitoga, Tevita Kalou, Isaia Maku
Place Qoma Island, Tailevu Province Fiji File Size 36MB
Definition 7680 x 4320 File Format PNG
Copyright iTaukei Institute of Language and Culture Copyright

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iTaukei Institute of Language & Culture (TILC)

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