

Naqqoshlik (ornament-making) art
  • Manage No PI00007953
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description "Naqqoshlik is drawing an ornament - a pattern built on rhythmic alternation and a combination of geometric or graphic elements, performed by means of painting, drawing, sculpture or embroidery. Uzbek national patterns have their own names, going back in history. Traditional Uzbek ornament is found in decorative art embroideries, in wood carvings, in paintings on clay and ceramics, on Uzbek fabrics, on buildings. At the heart of the ornament is a picture of simple things. For example, knives are designed to protect, a flowering garden is a symbol of fertility and agriculture. Each flower carries information: a scarlet poppy - the image of an innocent girl, a tulip - a symbol of purity, a rose - peace and beauty, wildflowers - a young man. Often, a different meaning was embedded in the image of flowers. For example, they believed that they carried healing power and health. The ornament creates a vector image in which a magical meaning is laid, reflecting the course of human life. This is an oriental vector style with geometric patterns. Geometric patterns have abstract forms: - zigzag lines; - circles; - polyhedra; - stars; - ornamental motifs - meander; - human figures; - stylized inscriptions. Ethnic patterns are folklore images, folk motifs in which a creative union of religion and culture is concluded. They carry a semantic and ritual load. "
Place Tashkent, Bukhara, Qoqand, Shahrisabz, Margilan, Khiva and other cities File Size 1mb
Definition 3000X2000 File Format JPG
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Information source
Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity