

Pwo Ceremony_Shaping the logs
  • Manage No PI00005531
    Country Federated States of Micronesia
    Year 2016-10-18
    ICH Domain Oral traditions and representations, Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description Shaping the logs After the logs have been soaked in salt water, the master builder has to try and get each logs as straight as he could. This requires using hand tools such as the adze. This process is required as in some cases, the cross beams must connect perfectly especially if the connections are sitting on top of one of the main posts. Thus, a straight line is drawn on the curvature side of the log and then slowly carved away. The adze tools that are used today, unlike the original shell blades are now made from vehicle springs that are sharpened and lashed to a handle to allow of better precision when carving.
Photographer Larry Raigetal
Place Federated States of Micronesia File Size 7.45MB
Definition 2988 X 5312 File Format JPG
Copyright Larry Raigetal, ICHCAP Copyright

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